AEW Dynamite results, live blog (June 26, 2024): Forbidden Door go home (2024)

Here’s a place to check results and comment along with a new episode of AEW Dynamite, airing tonight (June 26) at 8 pm ET on TBS.

This week’s episode comes our way from Buffalo, New York’s KeyBank Center, and will kick-off the final push to Sunday’s Forbidden Door PPV with New Japan Pro-Wrestling! Get ready with our preview for the show here!

World champion Swerve Strickland will try to co-exist with his PPV challenger, International champ Will Ospreay, as they take on Gates of Agony. And Women’s World champ Toni Storm teams with her Forbidden Door rival Mina Shirakawa & the mutual object of their affection Mariah May against Saraya, Harley Cameron & Anna Jay.

Plus, IWGP World titleholder Jon Moxley will team with Blackpool Combat Club mates Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta to battle a trio representing his Forbidden Door challenger Tetsuya Naito’s NJPW faction Los Ingobernables de Japón — including Shingo Takagi, the man who will face the BCC’s Bryan Danielson in an Owen Hart Cup Tournament match on Sunday night!

Speaking of the Owen, Jay White goes one-on-one with Rey Fenix in a first round match. We’ll also get a word from TBS champ Mercedes Moné, Buffalo’s own Daniel Gracia, an appearance from MJF... and more!

Come right back here at 8pm ET when the Dynamite live blog kicks off once the show starts on TBS. It will be below this line here.

Enjoy the show!


Oh, she’s a tongue twisting storm, comes to the show tonight praying to the light machine. She wants my honey, not my money, she’s a funky-thigh collector laying on electric dream, but me? I’m just here to liveblog this pro wrestling show for you, folks.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman makes his entrance and gets on the mic.

He greets Buffalo but before he can say anything else—

Enter “Red Death” Daniel Garcia.

Max tells Garcia to tread lightly, and Daniel begins. He thanks MJF for saving him last week but he got involved in his business and since we’re in Buffalo, everything is his business. He doesn’t know why Friedman is here, probably to say bad stuff about Buffalo and maybe now he’ll say bad stuff about him and his family here in the front row.

But Daniel came out to to do something nobody else has the guts to do to Max— he’s gonna say nice things about him! Garcia says nine months ago he wasn’t doing much, just sitting in the back and watching MJF every week, the youngest champion main eventing arenas and making history. They had a conversation in the back that lit a fire under him.

Friedman said he saw him as more than a lackey or a background character, but in the same light he sees himself, as a pillar of AEW, and Tony Khan said if he got enough wins he could challenge him for the title, but when he finally did, it was one of the most embarrassing moments of his life. But it wasn’t all bad, and that loss motivated him more than you could imagine.

He went on the run of a lifetime and had some of the biggest moments and matches and now he’s somebody the people can respect and believe in and now he’s asking why settle for being a pillar when he can be the backbone, a workhorse, the foundation that AEW is built on?

For that he wants to thank MJF but warn him that after that if he talks sh*t he’s gonna look real two-faced and the entire city of Buffalo’s gonna come after him. Max cops to being two-faced and says he didn’t come out to talk trash but for two reasons— 1) to shamelessly shill for Forbidden Door where he’s going to wrestle a guy who looks like a poorly drawn cartoon character called Hechicero.

Reason 2) before he was interrupted he was actually going to as Daniel to come out here because he’s got a question for him. But before that, he has to respond to what Garcia just said, and he only has one thing to say— thank you, and they shake hands. No one has ever publicly spoke about the nice things he does, and he’s not stupid, he knows why, people are jealous.

Everybody wants his spot but none of them are talented enough to beat him and take it, but he knows one guy who’s getting closer and closer. He didn’t give Garcia a title shot out of pity, but because unlike everybody else, he earned it! And with all due respect, in that match, he whipped his scrawny ass without breaking a sweat.

But since then, Daniel has grown exponentially, faster, cagier, smarter, up the ladder rung by rung by busting his ass! He didn’t run from the grind, he IS the grind! So it got him thinking, maybe it’s time he gets one more shot at the king. But not just any shot, here’s what he’s thinking, the big question he’s got.

Garcia vs. Friedman... at WEMBLEY! Before Dan can properly answer—

Enter Will Ospreay.

He didn’t mean to interrupt but he’s joining the Daniel Garcia appreciation party and he loves the way Garcia’s been doing it, racking up win after win after win bruv, he’s been going quicker than Will lasts in the bedroom, for which he immediately apologizes to his wife. Because of the hard work and because he appreciates Dan, next week, he’s got it, an AEW International Championship match.

BUT he’ll sweeten the deal, sunshine— not just the title on the line, but he’ll put the world title on the line as well. Garcia accepts it and they shake hands while MJF fumes in the corner. Ospreay leaves and Max tells Daniel that’s a big opportunity and he should focus on it and he makes his way out.

Shane Strickland and Prince Nana are walking backstage.

Swerve asks why Ospreay would offer title shots before he’s won and he doesn’t understand putting the cart behind the horse like that. But when they tag against Gates of Agony tonight, he better hold up his end of the bargain, because he’s got a focus issue and that’s not a good mindset for a world champion.

Nana asks us whose house it is.

Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli, Jon Moxley, & Wheeler YUTA) vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (Hiromu Takahashi, Shingo Takagi, & Titan)

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson is on commentary for this one.

Castagnoli and Takagi to start, trading uppercuts, Shingo counters, thinking backslide, denied, hip toss connects and Claudio is frustrated. Tags made, Takahashi on YUTA, Hiromu with a flurry for the advantage, basem*nt dropkick, double whip, shoulder block tag to Titan! Stacking up on Wheeler in the corner, big diving crossbody and a dropkick sends YUTA to the floor!

Titan follows it with a suicide dive, back inside, tag to Claudio, he catches a crossbody and turns it into a quebradora as Blackpool rush the ring and clear LIJ out of the ring to send us to break!

Back from commercial, Titan with a basem*nt dropkick and then a double stomp across Castagnoli’s back! Tag to Moxley, cutting the luchador off, elbows, whip reversed, Matrix a lariat, cut him off, tag to Shingo! Takagi a one-man wrecking crew, cleaning Claudio and Wheeler out, trading forearms with Jon!

Lariat for lariat, clubbing each other, double sledge from Mox but Shingo drops him with a vicious lariat! Tags to YUTA and Takahashi, trading strikes, superkick from Hiromu, Wheeler slides back in, release German suplex! Takahashi catches him with a Death Valley Driver for two! Off the ropes, big lariat, inverted facelock but Moxley breaks it up with a chair and referee Paul Turner calls it...

Los Ingobernables de Japon win by disqualification.

Post-match all six men brawl chaotically— TETSUYA NAITO IS HERE! THE STARDUST GENIUS IS HERE!

He lackadaisically makes his way out and brawls with Moxley in the crowd! Shingo working on YUTA while Danielson worries on commentary, hammer and anvil elbows and Bryan’s had enough and he makes the save! The two dragons square up, Shingo has a look around while Danielson eyes him carefully.

Takagi makes a “I will break you” hand gesture and we go to break.

“Switchblade” Jay White vs. Rey Fenix (Owen Hart Cup Quarterfinal Match)

Lots of posing and preening and feeling the energy and referee Rick Knox preemptively ejects everyone from ringside!

Fenix with a schoolboy out the gates for a deep two! White chopping away at him, putting him into the corner, shoulder blocks, back and forth, tijeras from Rey, charging in, back body drop puts him on the apron and he hammers Jay with a chop! Double jump arm drag, dropkick, suicide dive connects but Fenix is a little ginger on his feet getting up!

Superkick, White blocks an Asai moonsault and takes Fenix inside, firmly in control as we go to break!

Back from commercial, Fenix with a superkick, rope-walk Penalty Kick, frog splash but he’s slow to capitalize... NO DEAL! Hurricanrana, another two, rolling solebutt, leg kick, Jay blocks a superkick and spikes him with a DDT! Sheerdrop brainbuster... STILL NO! Sleeper suplex reversed, almost gets it for Rey!

Uranage from Switchblade, cover for two! Back and forth, Blade Runner blocked, waistlock, roundhouse kick from Fenix, fireman’s carry, reversed...

Jay White wins by pinfall with Blade Runner.

Post-match, Christian Cage brings the Patriarchy to ringside to challenge for the trios title, backing down but making the point clear.

The Young Bucks cut a promo backstage.

Nicholas Jackson complains about the Acclaimed taking advantage of his temper to use the titles and cheat to win and things will be different in their title match. Matthew says Kazuchika Okada still has his title as well and Jack Perry is going to win the TNT Championship and furthermore they’re inserting a wildcard into the Owen Hart Cup so he can run through and win the title and make sure they have all the power and the gold, but he neglects to share who this might be.

The Acclaimed make their entrance and we go to break.

Back from commercial, the Acclaimed get on the mic.

Max Caster starts, saying last week they fought the Young Cucks in this ring and the result surprised nobody because the people’s choice pinned the tag champs and earned a title shot. And they exposed the Young Bucks for being soft-ass and self-important and proved they can’t run production, the company, or from a fight.

The Acclaimed is getting up that ass and getting the titles back. Anthony Bowens calls them douche nozzles and says they’ll have no excuse because he and Max have been strategizing on the best time to make the challenge, and when they do you’ll be looking at new AEW World Tag Team Champions because everyone loves the Acclaimed.

Kazuchika Okada and the Young Bucks enter without music, Okada telling them to wait and scissor him, bitch. Matthew thanks the Rainmaker for that and brings up the first item on today’s agenda, they want a trios match against the Acclaimed at Forbidden Door!

Daddy Ass gets on the mic now and says he couldn’t hear what they were saying over the crowd saying they suck, but he knows how to deal with EVPs, he has friends in high places, and he happens to know a president!

President of New Japan Pro Wrestling Hiroshi Tanahashi appears on the tron to tell Kazuchika Okada he’s coming to Forbidden Door to fight him and the Elite! The Scissor Ace is coming!

Renee Paquette is backstage with the Conglomeration of Kyle O’Reilly, Mark Briscoe, and Orange Cassidy.

Briscoe says on Sunday they’ll be kicking ass and taking names, he needs the TNT Championship to balance his shoulders out, Orange Cassidy has Zack Sabre, Jr., and KOR cuts a Briscoe-style promo on ZSJ ahead of their match tonight. Mark calls Zack Peppa Pig and says his boys are gonna kick his ass tonight and on Sunday.

Mariah May, Mina Shirakawa, & Toni Storm vs. the Outcasts (Anna Jay, Harley Cameron, & Saraya)

Shiarakawa and Jay to start, the Stardom vet taking a quick advantage, whip to the corner, elbow, enzuigiri out of the top, match breaks down and we go to break!

Back from commercial, May and Cameron down, crawling, tags made and it’s Storm on Saraya! Toni clears the apron, German suplex connects, fired up, hip attack! Shirakawa tags in, fails to cut Saraya off and Harley catches her with a lungblower but Mariah breaks it up! Match breaks down into “everybody do something cool” territory...

Mariah May, Mina Shirakawa, & Toni Storm win by pinfall with the Mina Driver from Shirakawa on Harley Cameron.

Post-match, May tries to get her girlfriends to play nice and toast and they oblige each other for her.


We get a video package for Mercedes Mone vs. Stephanie Vaquer.

Mercedes cuts a promo backstage about how she flew all the way to Mexico to watch Vaquer defend her title but where is she tonight? Stephanie has a match at Collision and she’ll be at ringside for that.

The Learning Tree make their entrance.

Big Bill is upset about being challenged to a six-man tag with Bryan Keith having a bum wing, but in the wise words of Sensei of the Sickos, The Learning Tree, Chris Jericho, when a door closes, a Forbidden Door opens. Jericho gets on the mic and says he’s got a video with a hard lesson for Samoa Joe, HOOK, and Katsuyori Shibata, courtesy of their partner for Forbidden Door...

Minoru Suzuki appears on the tron and says he doesn’t want to tag with Chris, he wants a singles match, and accuses him of chickening out and says he hates his soft way of thinking now. He doesn’t want anything to do with the Learning Tree, he wants an FTW Championship match at Forbidden Door!

Bryan Keith gets on the mic and says Jericho ain’t no lame-ass chicken.

Enter Samoa Joe, HOOK, and Katsuyori Shibata.

Samoa Joe says Shibata has summed everyone’s feelings about Jericho better than anyone— “Oh brother, this guy sucks.”

Y2J slaps Joe across the face and a brawl breaks out! The babyfaces send The Learning Tree packing and we go to break!

Kyle O’Reilly vs. Zack Sabre, Jr.

Orange Cassidy is on commentary for this one.

Waistlock, standing switches, Sabre gets O’Reilly down in the corner but Kyle gets away. Test of strength, Zack with a Japanese stranglehold, reversed, leg pick, cover denied, stalemate! Whip reversed, crawl under, sunset flip, Kyle turns the attempt into a cross armbar but ZSJ immediately gets one of his own and they stalemate!

Wristlock, Sabre bridges out of it, KOR right back on it, Zack with a headscissors to counter it, wrenching it in. Rolling through it, sleeper hold, ZSJ kicks him off balance and gets Kyle with the standing headscissors neck crank and a stomp to the shoulder to send us to break!

Back from commercial, whip reversed and Sabre gets the Cobra Twist but chooses to shift to an octopus hold instead! Uppercut and a double wristlock, O’Reilly sweeps the leg and gets some breathing room! Pele kick to the elbow, off the ropes, small package, only two! Cross armbar applied, back and forth, both men down!

Double leg but KOR gets him with a knee! Thinking about a Regalplex, Zack blocks, Kyle catches a kick, palm strikes exchanged with abandon, flying armbar from ZSJ, into a triangle, rolling over...

Zack Sabre, Jr. wins by submission with a Fujiwara armbar.

Orange Cassidy hits the ring and Zack squares up with him, two TMDK guys with him, outnumbering Cassidy— TOMOHIRO ISHII IS HERE AND HE IS WITH CASSIDY! Gabe Kidd pops up on the apron to jaw at Orange as well, the Undisputed Kingdom is here, there’s a lot going on and we go to break.

Back from commercial, commentary hypes up next week’s show presented by SHARK WEEK.

Gates of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) vs. Shane “Swerve” Strickland & Will Ospreay

Chaotic brawling to start, Kaun and Ospreay in the ring, up and over, drop down, leapfrog, shoved off, leapfrog, monkey flip from Will! Back body drop to the apron, Ospreay with an elbow, springboard elbow, cover for one! Strickland tags in, Will with a standing moonsault, Swerve makes the cover, only a nearfall and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Strickland getting worked over, he almost gets a tag but Kaun pulls Ospreay off the apron and Liona almost ends him! Shane with a brainbuster on Bishop, Will in position and he gets the tag! Aerial Assassin in hot, vicious forearm, Toa tries to cut him off, he runs through the lariats, double handspring kicks into a standing shooting star press but Kaun kicks out!

Bishop takes Will down with an avalanche Jackhammer... SWERVE BREAKS IT UP! Ospreay thinking about the Tiger Driver ‘91, decides against it, Storm Breaker denied, Shane gets kicked off the apron, Liona with a wicked pounce, Kaun with the cover... SO CLOSE! Strickland back in, pump kick, Will ducks, Bishop goes down!

Working together, Strickland completes a Poison Frankensteiner with a kick, Will springboards... TOA LIONA KICKS OUT OF THE OSCUTTER! Elbow pad off, Swerve takes Kaun down when he runs in, thinking armbreaker, it lands, Liona looks on defiant but Ospreay runs down...

Shane Strickland & Will Ospreay win by pinfall with Hidden Blade from Ospreay on Toa Liona.

Post-match, Ospreay holds the world title up and Swerve attacks him, laying him out with a House Call!

Strickland puts the title on his shoulder and stands tall.

That’s the show, folks.

AEW Dynamite results, live blog (June 26, 2024): Forbidden Door go home (2024)


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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.