AEW Dynamite results, live blog (July 10, 2024): Owen Hart Finals (2024)

Here’s a place to check results and comment along with a new episode of AEW Dynamite, airing tonight (July 10) at 8 pm ET on TBS.

This week’s episode comes our way from the Calgary Stampede Saddledome in Calgary, Alberta Canada, That’s Hart Country, which is why for the second year in a row its where AEW will hold the finals of The Owen Hart Foundation Tournaments — this year pitting Bryan Danielson against Hangman Page (with special enforcer Jeff Jarrett) and Mariah May against the winner of last year’s Owen Cup, Willow Nightingale! In addition to the Cup, this year’s winners will challenge for their respective World title at All In! Get ready with our preview for the show here!

World champion Swerve Strickland will make his first appearance since Forbidden Door, and the man he beat on that PPV, International champion Will Ospreay, will also be on hand as AEW is teasing which of their matches will get the main event spot at Wembley Stadium next month.

Plus, Mercedes Moné holds a double championship champagne toast, Chris Jericho & Samoa Joe battle in a Stampede Street Fight, Kyle Fletcher, PAC, Claudio Castagnoli & Tomohiro Ishii compete in a Global Glory 4-way... and more!

Come right back here at 8pm ET when the Dynamite live blog kicks off once the show starts on TBS. It will be below this line here.

Enjoy the show!


I don’t understand, just give her one more chance. May angels keep her safe tonight, ‘cause I’m doing all I can by liveblogging this here pro wrestling show for you, folks.

The show opens with a recap of Maxwell Jacob Friedman’s promo on Daniel Garcia from Collision.

Will Ospreay makes his entrance and gets on the mic.

He says last week at the end of Dynamite he was appalled and disgusted but he wasn’t surprised. He’d heard rumors that MJF is one of the most insecure men in pro wrestling, and he showed it because a guy like Daniel Garcia earns every opportunity he gets, and Max did whatever it took to stop his rise.

He tells us that Garcia is at home with no feeling in his arms and no timetable for his return, and Friedman wants to blame the people? To blame them for opening up and admitting his ADHD, well Will has it too but it’s not an excuse to be a little prick. He’s only had a few interactions with him and he can tell that Max doesn’t like him.

Reasons why? The Bidding War of 2024 didn’t go his way and Tony Khan would rather spend on guys like Ospreay who will elevate the brand. And apparently he’s a talentless hack, and Max is welcome to his opinion, but we’re in Calgary with educated wrestling fans who can all agree he’s got more talent in his left nut than Max has in his entire body.

But the main reason MJF doesn’t like him is that Ospreay reminds people what AEW is supposed to be. He represents the foundation of this place, and Max came swanning back with a tattoo on his leg saying “bet on myself” but if he was being honest it’d say “all about myself”, the selfish prick.

And he feels like the moment he stepped foot in AEW he’s been cleaning up after Max’s mess. He welcomes the best version of MJF but the level of the devil is the ground floor and Will’s on the top level, skyscraper bruv. And this time he’s not in England grieving his mum, tonight he’s in Calgary craving a fight, so if Friedman is back there, come on out so we can do this.

Max’s music plays but he doesn’t come down. He appears on the tron and clicks his ring against a wine glass a few times before taking a sip. These people don’t deserve the privilege of being that close to his greatness, and he’s beaten every one of their favorites. Each one fell beneath his feet, and does Will think he’s any different?

MJF isn’t a flavor of the month, he doesn’t have to break himself to get over, and eventually people will get tired of Ospreay’s routine and try to throw him in the trash just like they did Max. But he’s not replaceable like Will is, and the next flippy guy will come along, here today, gone tomorrow.

He’s a generational talent and if Ospreay gets in the ring with him, he’ll be exposed. But tonight? Nah. He doesn’t wrestle for fun or amusem*nt, he wrestles with purpose and for the benefit of All Elite Wrestling. But next week he’ll take a title match for the International Championship, and he won’t be fighting for stars, ‘cause MJF will punch him in the face until he starts seeing ‘em.

Ospreay calls him adorable and he’ll see Max next week, the little bitch.

We get a video package for “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. “Hangman” Adam Page in the finals of the Owen.

“Hangman” Adam Page vs. “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson (Owen Hart Cup Finals)

Jeff Jarrett is your special guest enforcer for this match.

Collar and elbow, Page shoves him down, methodical, hammering strikes, whip across, backflip up and over, back roll, half-crab, Adam gets the ropes! To the floor, suicide dive, Danielson takes the barricade hard but rights himself and heads back inside! Boot up in the corner, to the apron, Bryan ducks the triangle lariat but Hangman blasts him with a northern lariat and posts him to send us to break!

Back from commercial, Page is in control and Danielson’s face is covered in blood! Kicks, Hangman with a sleeper hold, sleeper swing, stomps on the mat, targeting Bryan’s neck! Chops in the corner, hammering away, back and forth, Danielson gets the flying armbar! Rolling him over, omoplata, the LeBell Lock is in but Adam gets a foot on the ropes!

Fireman’s carry, Bryan with hammer and anvil elbows, Hangman readjusts, Saito suplex! In the corner, Danielson hits the spider German superplex, fired up, diving headbutt... NOBODY HOME! Adam with an arm-trap crossface, Dragon crawls his way to the ropes and forces the break as we go to break!

Back from commercial, Page puts Danielson’s face into an exposed turnbuckle, moonsault into an inverted facelock into a Tombstone piledriver... BRYAN KICKS OUT! Up top, Danielson cuts him off and Hangman crashes into the apron! Springboard into a senton atomico! Dragon with chest kicks on the floor, Page ducks the buzzsaw and snaps a piledriver off on the floor!

Jarrett checking on Bryan, getting in front of Hangman and Page piefaces Double J! Hanging back happy to take the countout, Jeff concentrates on making sure Danielson is okay as he struggles to get to his feet! Count of nine... BRYAN MAKES IT AND ADAM IS RIGHT ON HIM PUNCHING AWAY! Hangman tearing KT tape off of Danielson’s back!

Back and forth, Bryan explodes out of the corner, Busaiku Knee but he can’t capitalize! On their knees, Page with a headbutt, Danielson shrugs it off and throws his own! From their knees and to their feet, Bryan with the advantage, flash roundhouse kick, German suplex, Hangman lands on his feet!

Same trick, opposite direction, off the ropes, Busaiku Knee sidestepped and referee Paul Turner eats it! Big lariat from Hangman and he takes his belt off and whips Danielson with it! Looking to choke Bryan with the belt but Jarrett in the ring and arguing with Page now, Adam shoves him down and I think tells him to eat sh*t?

DOUBLE J TAKES HIS SHIRT OFF AND REVEALS THAT HE’S A LEGAL REFEREE FOR THIS MATCH! DANIELSON WITH A SCHOOLBOY BUT IT’S NOT ENOUGH! LeBell Lock applied, Hangman rolls through, Deadeye connects! Cover... BRYAN DANIELSON WON’T STAY DOWN! Buckshot connects, to the apron again, Jeff checks on Bryan, slingshot, Buckshot reversed, bridging O’Connor roll for two!

Page with an arm-trap crossface, digging into the wound on Bryan’s forehead, rolling him around, shifting to a reverse chinlock grip, Jarrett checking, he doesn’t want to call it! Arm checked and Danielson is still in the fight! Rolling through, bridging... IT’S OVER!

Bryan Danielson wins by pinfall with a bridging lateral press, winning the Owen Hart Cup and earning a shot at the AEW World Championship at All In in Wembley next month!

A furious Hangman Page storms off.

Dr. Martha Hart and Jeff Jarrett share an embrace at the trophy stand and collect the title belt and trophy to give to Bryan Danielson.

Hart says it’s great to be back in the Saddledome during Stampede Week, in Owen’s hometown. It’s her great pleasure to award the Owen Cup to Bryan Danielson, and Double J hands him the title and he holds it high before giving Martha a gentle shoulder hug. Jarrett helps him raise the trophy while Hart says she’ll see him for his title shot at Wembley.

Shane “Swerve” Strickland makes his entrance flanked by Prince Nana and we go to break while Danielson stares them down.

Back from commercial, Swerve gets on the mic and says Will Ospreay told him that the man holding the title is the real best in the world, and he’s still got the title and he’s still the best in the world.

He congratulates Bryan Danielson (who went to the back sometime during the break) on winning the Owen and says he’s looking forward to Wembley and he’s still holding a grudge from the time Danielson got a pinfall victory on him, and they’re at two different spots in their careers.

And the EVPs offered him a spot in Blood & Guts and he turned them down, but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to be in Blood & Guts, because he’s joined Team AEW. So he’s going to do two things that Danielson couldn’t— he’s beaten Will Ospreay and now he’s going to lead Team AEW to a victory in Blood & Guts.

He says he’s the number one guy in AEW, and Ospreay and his International Championship at number two, and Kazuchika Okada and his Continental Championship at number three, so he issues the Rainmaker a challenge.

His last point, he promises Bryan Danielson that All In will be his final countdown.

We get a video package for our main event of Willow Nightingale vs. Mariah May in the other Owen Hart Cup finals and we go to break.

Back from commercial, we get a new music video from the Acclaimed.

Chris Jericho vs. Samoa Joe (Stampede Street Fight)

Joe gets ahold of Jericho’s hat and holds it up before punching him through it! Into the corner, hammering jabs, action to the floor and Samoa distracted by Bryan Keith and gets blindsided by Chris with an elbow before throwing him into the barricade! Chair in hand, Y2J rams him with it, back inside and he dumps out a black bag full of horseshoes into the ring!

Back suplex denied, Joe puts Chris spine-first into the horseshoes and follows it with a senton for two! Walls of Jericho applied in the middle of the ring and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Joe wallops Jericho with a horseshoe to get out of the Walls! Trading punches, Samoa rams Chris into the corner and sets him up top, thinking Muscle Buster, blocked, missile dropkick! Fighting out into the crowd, up the stairs, Joe dragging him into the back, hammering chops and forearms!

Jericho throws hot coffee in Joe’s face and blinds him! Judas Effect ducked, Coquina Clutch applied! Chris to one knee but Big Bill comes out of an elevator holding a chair and attacks Samoa! Bryan Keith is back here as well, Y2J takes his belt off and loads his fist for a punch!

Bill chokeslams Samoa into a pallet on a forklift, Chris hops into the driver’s seat... AND RAMS JOE THROUGH A WALL! Colt Cabana confronts Chris Jericho while the doctor calls it...

Chris Jericho wins by stoppage.

Post-match, Jericho breathes hard and smiles into the camera as we cut to Joe under the rubble and go to break.

Back from commercial we get a recap of what we just saw.

We cut to Samoa joe being loaded into an ambulance while the Learning Tree look on and wave bye bye.

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Kyle Fletcher vs. PAC vs. Tomohiro Ishii (AEW International Championship #1 Contender’s Match)

Chaos early gives way to Ishii and Castagnoli hammering each other before teaming up to clear Fletcher out! Shifting, PAC with a tijeras to send Kyle packing, he turns around, giant swing, Fletcher back and he breaks it up wtih a superkick before getting Saito suplexed by Tom!

Ishii gets PAC with one too, Claudio blocks, Karelin lift connects! Big dive from Castagnoli and we go to break!

Back from commercial, four-way slugging it out, Fletcher with a Tombstone piledriver on Ishii... SO CLOSE! Giant swing on Kyle, into the Sharpshooter, PAC drops an elbow on Fletcher and puts the Brutalizer on him! Tom strolls over and starts laying forearms in on Castagnoli! He breaks the hold, headbutt sets up a straight suplex, off the ropes, knee/lariat combo takes the other two out!

Off the ropes, lariat, cover... FLETCHER KICKS OUT! Back and forth, Neutralizer, the Bastard steals the pin but Claudio pulls him off and they have words with each other! Shoving match, Neutralizer blocked with a German suplex from Tom! One from PAC on Tom, one on Castagnoli, he’s fired up!

Fletcher with an inside cradle, no deal! Boot up from the Bastard, off the top, Black Arrow sets it up...

PAC wins by submission with the Brutalizer on Kyle Fletcher, becoming #1 contender to the AEW International Championship.

Post-match, PAC cuts a promo where he says things haven’t been going well for him, and he’s made many bold promises and suffered many humiliating failures since returning to AEW earlier in the year. He doesn’t know what next, but it’s All In season, and the Bastard will not be denied a Wembley moment.

So let tonight’s victory be a line in the sand— the Bastard will be back.

Renee Paquette is waking backstage when Adam Page cold shoulders her and she flags him down for an interview.

She demands a little respect for what she’s trying to do but he just glowers at her and bangs on the door.

Kazuchika Okada answers and refuses to let him through but the Young Bucks step out and ask if there’s anything they can do for him. He says he’ll do it and leaves.

Mercedes Mone makes her entrance and gets on the mic.

She’s here to celebrate her history-making double champion victory and she shouts her boys Nicholas and Matthew Jackson out for the additional security tonight because she will not be interrupted. She says she’s the best there is, best there was, and the best there ever will be, earning Calgary’s ire.

And as far as Britt Baker goes, well, wake up from your stupid little fantasy because she’s not facing her at All In, and if she does, she won’t just have a couple herniated discs and a stroke, she’ll leave her for dead. She pours herself a little toast—

Dr. Britt Baker, DMD is here!

Security cuts her off on the stage but she decks one guy and superkicks another! She shoves her way through the rest but Mone bails to the floor and minces her way out into the crowd!

And so we go to break.

Back from commercial, Darby Allin is beating the crap out of Brandon Cutler.

He says Jack Perry says we all have to make sacrifices, and this is Cutler’s, and things are just getting started between him and the Elite.

Mariah May vs. Willow Nightingale (Owen Hart Cup Finals)

May in control early, arm wringer, hammerlock, Nightingale off the ropes, shoulder block, Mariah slips around, heel trip into a dropkick! Back and forth, May with chops, off the ropes, spinning side slam... NOPE! Freight train crossbody, Mariah floats over a slam, back body drop to the apron, Willow knocks her down with a forearm!

Cannonball senton to the floor and we go to break!

Back from commercial, hard-hitting, big spinebuster from Nightingale... NOPE! Willow wants a Sharpshooter, upkicks from May to break free! Waistlock, standing switch, German suplex from Mariah and she’s fired up! Sidestep a knee, fisherman buster... MARIAH KICKS OUT! May with a headbutt and both women are down and out!

A mystery assailant has Willow distracted, Toni Storm inadvertently keeping the referee occupied, Kris Statlander blasts Nightingale with a boot and the assailant is revealed to be Stokely Hathaway! Big knee from Mariah... WILLOW KICKS OUT! Storm with some advice, Nightingale counters maybe a piledriver with a lariat!

Cannonball in the corner, fireman’s carry, reversed, victory roll... IT’S OVER!

Mariah May wins by pinfall with a victory roll, winning the Owen Hart Cup and earning a title shot against Toni Storm at All In.

Post-match, Willow and Mariah shake hands and then May leaps into Toni’s arms! They skip up the aisle hand-in-hand! May pulls the title belt off the podium.. AND BLASTS TONI IN THE HEAD WITH IT! MORE BELT SHOTS, LUTHER TRIES TO TAKE IT FROM HER AND SHE BEATS HIM WITH IT TOO!

Toni bleeding from the forehead and sobbing, Mariah grabs her white pump and spikes her in the head with the heel over and over before grinding it into the wound! May shoves referee Aubrey Edwards and pulls Toni up and rubs her face into the blood (okay yes that’s definitely hot though)

That’s the show, folks.

AEW Dynamite results, live blog (July 10, 2024): Owen Hart Finals (2024)


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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.