The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (2025)

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Stick or spray, it doesn’t make a difference. These deodorants will freshen even the foulest pits.

The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (1)Courtesy

The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (2)The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (3)

By Evan Malachosky and Jack Seemer




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There’s no nice way to say it: Humans are sweaty creatures. And while you’re mostly dealing with water here, some parts of your body (like, say, your armpits) also secrete proteins and fatty acids. These things are harmless but annoying; when they react to bacteria on the body, you get a little thing called trans-3-Methyl-2-hexenoic acid — a.k.a. body odor.

What to Look for

You already know what to do, of course. But before you reach for the same old stick you’ve been using since the first day of middle school, you might want to consider your other options. There are lots of ingredients and methods of application to consider. Because when it comes to something as essential as deodorant, it’s worth sweating the small stuff.

Ingredients to Avoid

  • Phthalates: Phthalates are a binder, and a preservative for synthetic fragrances. But research suggests they can harm men’s endocrine systems.
  • Triclosan: Banned by the FDA for use in hand soaps, triclosan can still be used in other grooming products — like deodorant. It’s an antibacterial chemical that kills odors but could cause other issues with repeat exposure.
  • Parabens: Parabens are preservatives, but these preservatives can penetrate the skin — and they shouldn’t.
  • Synthetic fragrances: Naturally-derived fragrances are the way to go. Look for plant-based extracts and oils.
  • Butane and Isobutane: These ingredients are only found in spray deodorants, because they’re what can compress and expel aerosols. Most modern sprays have moved on to other alternatives — look for “aersol-free” or “non aerosol.”
  • Aluminum: Although hotly debated, aluminum plugs your sweat ducts. Plus, it can cause issues on the cell level, which is why it’s been linked to tumor growth.

The Best Deodorants for Men

The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (4)Ursa Major

Best overall deodorant

Hoppin’ Fresh Deodorant

  • $18.00 at Ursa Major

Made entirely from naturally derived ingredients, such as hops, aloe vera and eucalyptus, this stick from Vermont’s Ursa Major fights odor and wetness without unwanted chemicals or irritants. For an even gentler option, check out the brand’s fragrance-free Base Layer Deodorant. Both options are available in 1.65- and 2.6-ounce canisters.

The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (5)Helmm

Best Upgrade Deodorant

Reusable Deodorant

  • $18.00 at Helmm

    $30.00(40% off)

Helmm’s customizable deodorant comes in four colors, four scents and three different formulas. The ability to personalize the product to your preferences makes it an elevated option — hence the price. But you’ll definitely appreciate Helmm if you find a combination that works for you.

For just five bucks, Harry’s offers an odor and sweat controlling antiperspirant that’s free from aluminum, scented with a musk they’ve named “Stone” and easily available at most big box stores — like Target, for example.

The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (7)OffCourt

Best Spray Deodorant

Performance Body Spray

  • $11.00 at OffCourt

OffCourt’s aerosol deodorant addresses stench-causing bacterias by encouraging the growth of good ones. Yes, this option is prebiotic, but it doesn’t just mask your musk. It smells fresh and complex despite coming from a can.

The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (8)Amazon

Best Smelling Deodorant


  • $19.00 at Amazon

Baxter of California’s deodorant is effective at beating body odor but don’t fool yourself. You’re paying a premium, not for the scent it takes away, but for what it offers: an addicting combination of citrus and musk. It’s crisp, fresh and smells good enough to convince you to skip the cologne.

The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (9)Nécessaire

Best Cream Deodorant

The Deodorant

  • $20.00 at Nécessaire

Nécessaire’s deodorant cream squeezes out like potatoes being pushed through a mincer — in a dozen small strands for easy application. It’s free from all of the ingredients you should avoid — aluminum, parabens, synthetic fragrances — and absorbs moisture well.

The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (10)Kiehl’s

Best Antiperspirant Deodorant

Body Fuel Antiperspirant

  • $16.00 at Kiehl's

From one of the most respected names in skincare comes this unscented antiperspirant designed for one thing and one thing only: to keep your pits dry. Good thing it works.

The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (11)Aesop

Best Travel Deodorant


  • $35.00 at Aesop

There are three things you need to know about Aesop’s ultra-premium deodorant spray: it’s expensive, it has alcohol and it’s heavily fragranced, with a bevy of essential oils that give it a woody, almost spicy aroma. If all that tracks for you, it’s a unique option with a ton of character. Plus, it’s packed in a 1.7 oz bottle and proves powerful enough to sub in for fragrance.

The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (12)Myro

Best Sustainable Deodorant

Refillable Deodorant

  • $20.00 at Myro

Refillable deodorants have emerged in recent years to combat single-use plastic and take the effort out of buying — most brands follow the same subscription models made famous by Dollar Shave Club. Sound like something you might want to try? Check out Myro, which is cheaper than competitors like Helmm and By Humankind while offering more scents and case color options.

The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (13)Fulton and Roark

Best Bespoke Deodorant

Inspired Deodorant

  • $13.00 at Fulton and Roark

    $24.00(46% off)

Fulton and Roark’s deodorant has enzymes and plant extracts combine forces to fight the bacteria that cause body odor, and a designer fragrance that leaves a refined after… smell (don’t taste this). You can pick from one of 10 different aromas — which range from the oceanic Kiawah to the earthy Hatteras.

The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (14)End Clothing

Best Natural Deodorant

ND1 Natural Deodorant

  • $49.00 at End Clothing

How can a damn deodorant cost $49 dollars? Well, all-natural ingredients like Amazonian brown clay, coconut oil, zinc, and tapioca starch aren’t cheap. Plus, the casing is made from 100 percent recycled materials, and the inner pouch is made from a bio-plastic membrane. The whole thing is refillable, too. When you finish the stick, you simply swap it out but keep the case.

The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (15)Walmart

Best Prescription-Strength Antiperspirant

Antiperspirant Roll-On

  • $6.00 at Walmart

Need something with a little more oomph? This is the most powerful over-the-counter antiperspirant you’ll find at the drugstore, delivering up to 72 hours of protection thanks to the same active ingredient in the prescription stuff: aluminum chloride.

The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (16)Lumin

Best mineral deodorant

Natural Mineral Deodorant

  • $15.00 at Lumin

Lumin addresses deadly B.O. with a natural mineral blend, meaning this stick neutralizes and detoxifies the area without aluminum or alcohol.

The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (17)Ulta Beauty

Best Deodorant for Sensitive Skin

Dry Touch Deodorant

  • $17.00 at Ulta Beauty

Though more popular in Europe, the French drugstore brand Vichy deserves a shout here. Its roll-on, alcohol-free Dry Touch Deodorant goes on easy and features the brand’s signature mineralized water, sourced from France’s Auvergne region, to help protect your skin against aggressors.

The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (18)Bevel

Best deodorant for dense (armpit) hair

Aluminum-Free Deodorant

  • $10.00 at Bevel

Bevel’s line of body and grooming goods cater specifically to Black men, covering shaving creams for ingrowns and aluminum-free deodorants that penetrate coarse or curly armpit hair.

The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (19)Bravo Sierra

Best 'Give Back' Deodorant


  • $9.00 at Bravo Sierra

Free of aluminum, baking soda and parabens, Bravo Sierra’s woodsy-smelling deodorant uses cassava plant extract to battle nasty perspiration. And while the product is notable in its own right, the company actively supports US service members and their families by donating five percent of all sales to Morale, Welfare and Recreation programs.

The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (20)Hawthorne

Best Deodorant Bundle

Natural Deodorant

  • $15.00 at Hawthorne

Hawthorne’s site offers a quiz for interested users. In it you’re asked to describe your skin, hair, grooming habits and go-to hobbies. From your answers, Hawthorne compiles a complete grooming routine: a custom fragrance, a few targeted formulas and, of course, deodorant. You can order the deodorant on its own, but it compliments the complete kit quite well.

The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (21)Walmart

Best Drugstore Deodorant

High Endurance Original Scent Deodorant

  • $4.00 at Walmart

It works. It’s cheap. It smells like dads (in a sort of endearing way). It’s not the best option on this list, but if you’re on a budget and favor function over flair, it’s tough to beat Old Spice’s High Endurance line.

The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (22)Amazon

Best Backup Antiperspirant

Power Unscented Antiperspirant Deodorant

  • $21.00 at Amazon

Same deal as Old Spice — cheap, available — only without the dad smell. This one is a pure utility player. And every grooming routine could use a few more of those.

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The Best Deodorants for Men | Gear Patrol (2025)


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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.