The Ancient Curse — Dan's Cheat Sheets 1 documentation (2024)

Numbers are room numbers, as shown in the map in the game,starting in room 1.

  1. Pick up pipe section. Place pipe section in place across the room to connect the pipes there.

  1. Turn the handle. Pull down the lever.

  1. Walk across pit to next room, room 2.

  2. Optional: take & read note.

  1. Go to the cabinet with the crank and 2 knobs in front and a pail in the front opening. Turn the right knob to raise the stirrer. Turn the left knob to move it over the pail. Turn the right knob to lower the stirrer. Turn the big crank until the green light comes on.

  1. Go to the light puzzle on the bench. Adjust the mirrors until the light beam hits the target. The green light comes on and the key is unlocked. Take the key.

  1. Go to the door with the 3 hexagons mounted on it. Use the key on the leftmost hexagon. Turn the hexagons until the notches all face you. Slide the bar from the right of the door into the notches. Double-tap the door to open it and enter room 3.

  2. Go forward to the still. Take the box of bottles.

  1. Turn left, and go to the lectern that controls the game on the facing wall. Press the button and see that the cannon on the left shoots out a ball of light. The goal is to adjust the angle of the cannon using the slider and the positions of the 5 paddles using the 5 square buttons to get a ball of light into the pail on the right with a blue glow. When you succeed, the box to the right of the pail opens. Take the stone tablet inside.

  1. Go straight across the room toward the wall thing with a bunch of round gold things with one missing. Just to the right of it is a door, and just to the right of the door is a stone thing. Put your stone table onto the stone thing. Now make a note of which Roman numeral is next to each of the symbols. e.g.

  1. ♎ omega underlined

  2. ♊ fancy roman 2

  3. ♓ capital H

  4. ♈ ram’s head

  5. ♏ stylish lower-case m

Go back to room 2.

  1. Look at the walls for buttons labeled with the symbols you just noted, and press the buttons in the order you just wrote down. To your left, a box will open. Take the star shaped key.

(I’m going to stop saying “go to room N”. Just look at the number on each step to see which room you want to be in.)

  1. Put the star shaped key into the indentation in the door next to the stone tablet. The door opens to room 4.

  2. Turn immediately to your left to the light puzzle on the wall. (You’ll probably actually have to move into the room, turn, then go to the light puzzle.) When you press the button, the light will go first to number 1, then number 2, and finally number 3. Move the numbers to force the light to go through each pair of red dots. It’s not hard, especially if you put each number immediately behind one of the pair of dots. The box next to the puzzle opens. Take the lever.

  1. Pick up the note on the bench and look at it. It’ll go into your notebook and help with a later puzzle.

  1. Install the lever on the door immediately opposite the door you first entered by. Turn the lever. The door will open to room 5.

  1. Do the puzzle on the wall to your left, maneuvering each red symbol to the matching corner. The sliders trigger the symbols to move in the direction they have been slid. It’s a little tedious, but not hard because the symbols stick once they’re home. When the puzzle is done, a door opens to a stairway leading down. Go down to room 6.

  2. Take the note from the bench and look at it. It has the numbers 1 2 3 4 5 across the top. You’ll use it soon.

  1. Go to the only locked door in the room and solve the door lock puzzle to open the door. Go through to room 7.

  2. Take the key from the bench.

  1. Go to the lectern in front of the flower and use the key to unlock it. Slide the slider to open the enclosure on the lectern. Take the red pyramid.

  1. Put the red pyramid into the middle of the tall, bronzish thing with some red light in it. It will start spinning.

  1. To the right of the device you just put the pyramid into, look at the device with 5 wires numbered I II III IV V. Look again at the note with 1 2 3 4 5 at the top. It’s telling you to strum all 5 wires from left to right, again from right to left, then pluck wire 2, then pluck wire 4. Do that. Note: don’t strum too fast or you might miss some wires and have to start over. When you get it right, some gears start turning.

  1. Look to your left to see that a small platform has been lowered. Take the “strange looking lever” from the platform.

  1. Next to the bench, there’s a receptable in the wall. Insert the “strange looking lever”, then pull the lever. A ladder comes out of the wall just to your right. Climb the ladder to room 8.

  1. Go straight ahead to another wall light puzzle and solve it by putting the 1 toward the bottom, the 2 to the upper left, and the 3 to the lower right. Take the “cog” from the box.

  1. Notice some big gears on the wall are turning, but there’s a gap between them and another gear. Put the “cog” into the gap so all the gears turn. A platform comes up from below the room, just to the left of the gears. Double-tap it to go to room 9.

  1. Solve the wall light puzzle by putting the 1 around 3 o’clock, the 2 around 9 o’clock, and the 3 around 6 o’clock. Take the small lever. Go through the side door to room 10.

  2. Take the grimy note from the bench. It says 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 8.

  1. Turn the globe until it’s open. Take the lens.

  1. [you can do this later] Opposite the gears, install the lens into the 2 forks. Install the small lever below the lens.

  1. [you can do this later] Near the keypad on the wall to the left of the flower, pick up the “mallet” (mallet head, actually). You can try to install it onto the bar in front of you, but you’ll learn that you need something to attach it with.

  1. Go through the door at the end of the room into room 11.

  1. Go forward to the windlass. Take the metal piece from the floor.

  1. Insert the metal piece on the door where it obviously goes. Go through the door. According to the game map, you’re still in room 5, go figure.

  1. From the box on the bench, take the yellow gem.

  1. Take the note on the bench and read it. It’s a recipe for glue: 0 flame, 3 circle, 2 clover, 1 triangle, 5 equal, 2 triangle.

  1. Go to the mechanism opposite the door you entered by. Counters will appear at the top of the screen. Press the square buttons (not the counters at the top of the screen) the indicated number of times for glue (see previous step). Take the container.

  1. Click in close to the output spout on the still, and put one of the small glass bottles under the spout.

  1. Click in close to the copper-colored flask to the left and on a pedestal, with a pipe coming out of its top and a side spout with a cork. Pour the container with the ingredients for glue into the spout. Now we’ll need to heat it up somehow… we need to make the yellow gem glow.

  1. One of the doors has a button beside it and some exposed wires. Press the button, then put the yellow gem onto the exposed wires. The gem will start glowing.

  2. Place the yellow gem in the mount in front of the hemispherical reflector.

  1. At the other end of the table, pull the lever once. The light beam should move to hit the top-left flask of the still, then glue should fill the small bottle. Take the bottle of glue.

  1. Put glue on the end of the pole that lacks a mallet. Put the mallet on.

  1. On the keyboard, type 1 1 2 3 5 8. Look to the left. The box opens, and the mallet falls off again, now completely broken.

  1. From the box, take the knife.

  1. Focus in on the rope holding up the windlass, and cut it with the knife. You end up with a “spinning handle”.

  1. Next to the rotating fan, put the “spinning handle” onto the protruding nut. Turn it clockwise to expose a slider. Slide the slider down. The fan stops. Open the catch that holds closed the grill over the opening under the fan. Slide the slider up again. The grill falls open, blocking the fan. Take the handle from the opening.

  1. Install the handle on the lectern facing the chasm. Push the handle up. Cross the bridge.

  1. On the right, there’s a puzzle to get the sliding arrow to the other side of a board. The arrows move the sliding arrow one place in the given direction. Solve the puzzle. (Hint: you can move the sliding arrow to different places then use the buttons under the sliding pieces to position them where you need them.) Note that you can’t move the sliding pieces if the sliding arrow is in one of its cutouts. Take the lead ball out of the box.

  1. Go up the stairs to room 12.

  1. Solve the light beam puzzle on the wall. Take the hammer from the box.

  1. There’s a star map nailed to the bench. Use the hammer to remove the nails, then take the star map.

  1. Use the hammer to break the urns. You end up with a strange metal device, with concentric circles on it.

  1. Put the strange metal device onto the spoke of the big wheel on the wall that’s missing one. Turn the wheel until the symbols on the sliders match the symbols on the circumference. The devices move out then the wheel starts turning.

  1. Put the star map onto the odd table in the center of the room. Press the arrow button. The star map raises up. Press each button that has light shining on it. Stairs appear on the right side of the room.

  1. Go up the stairs. Solve the door puzzle. Go through to room 13.

  1. Solve the wall light beam puzzle. Take the paper from the box. It’s a clue for room 8.

  1. Break the urns. You get a lighter.

  1. Use the clue to arrange the spikes to open the big grill door. Note that the trapezoid on the diagram represents the opposite end of the room, not the end with the door. The big grill door opens.

  1. From the bench, take the clue. It’s for room 5.

  1. Solve the puzzle on the door (so easy!). Go through the door into room 14.

  1. Break the urns. Get an “egyptian piece”. It’s a key to the chest in room 2. We can’t start the boiler until we find its door, so we’ll come back to it.

  1. Unlock the chest using the “egyptian piece”. It opens, revealing a passage down. Double-click to go to room 15.

  1. Go down the stairs. You’re still in room 15.

  1. Go through the door right next to you. You’re in room 11 again, in a different place though.

  1. Take the “small hatch door” from the bench. That’s all we can do here for now.

  1. Put the door on the boiler. Light the fire under the boiler using the lighter.

  1. There’s a door here we haven’t opened. Use the sliders to expose 6 buttons. Ignore the numbers on the buttons. Use the clue from room 8 to know what order to press the buttons:

    4 6 35 1 2

The buttons won’t move much, but the door will open. Pass through to… still room 5, according to the map! Strange.

  1. Notice the gears are now turning in the room. Put the lead ball into the press and use the buttons to punch a hole into it.

  1. Put the lead ball where the mallet was, and enter 1 1 2 3 5 8 again. Look left to see the wall smash… except the game goes black for a second, and when we can see again, there’s a hole in the wall. Go through the hole into room 16.

  1. The pit and the pendulum! 3 pendulums, actually. On the wall to your right is a pipe puzzle. Solve it. (It’s not terribly hard.) Look left and the pendulums have frozen. Cross to the other side of the room, wait for the earthquake. Solve the door puzzle. Go around the corner, down the hall, and through the door into room 17.

  2. Turn the globe on the bench, and see the diagram. Notice the outline is the same shape as the room we’re in. There are “x” marks at either end of the long cross-ways part of the room, and “x” marks at the entrance and over it. If you make note of the symbols in those 4 places, you have:

    ♒ aquarius♎ libra♋ cancer♊ gemini

    Now look at the puzzle on the door near the lectern. For each of the 4 symbols we just identified, move the circle over that symbol, then press the button to light up that symbol. The door opens to room 18.

  3. Open the box on the left wall far from the door, and press the button. That starts the conveyer belt.

  1. Go to the lectern. Press the four buttons until the dominoes display, left to right, 1, 2, 3, and 4 dots. Then press the single button.

  1. Go to the lectern near the door to 18. Press the button. Then go to the opposite lectern. A crane will bring the stones to this end, one at a time. Press the left arrow until the stone won’t go any more left, then the down arrow to lower it. When done, you should have a staircase.

  1. Climb the stair case. Remove the stone blocking the gears. Go back down.

  1. Go up the elevator and out. Somewhere along here (I forget exactly where), you find a magnet. pick it up.

  1. Room with red light and chest. Just go through to the door at the other end, unlock and open it. You’re in room 7.

  1. Zoom in on the hook. Put the magnet on it. Pull the handle and wait. Take the brass ♎ libra off the hook.

  1. Put the brass ♎ libra in place on the lectern. The bridge beside it lowers. Cross, turn right. Use the gun to set the three bonfires alight. The next bridge lowers. Cross and go through the door to room 20.

  1. There’s not actually anything you can do in here yet. So let’s make some perfume…

  1. Put the large empty container under the spout. Put in 0 drops fire, 2 drops circle, 4 drops clover, 1 drop triangle, 0 drops equals, and 2 drops triangle. Take the bottle.

  1. Put a small bottle under the spout. Pour the large bottle into the flask. Pull the handle on the beam of light to heat the flask. Take the small bottle of perfume.

  1. Put the perfume into the flower. Take gem.

  1. Put gem into hole in wall to the right of the still.

  1. On the light table, pull the handle twice. A wall opens. Go through to room 21.

  1. Read the note. It mentions Aphophis.

  1. On the letter wheels, spell out APOPHIS backward. The thing opens. Take the note, which tells how to solve the puzzle in room 20.

What to do with the perfume?

  1. Look at the wall fan with lights moving around it. Notice the symbols on the arms, their relative positions to each other. Starting from the top right and moving clockwise, we have: “arched door”, Ankh, an urn, and a beetle.

  1. Go to the other wall fan and slide the markers on each arm to reproduce the symbols from the lighted fan.

  1. Go to the nearest lectern and press the button. Watch the lights – and we haven’t solved it yet.

The Ancient Curse — Dan's Cheat Sheets 1 documentation (2024)


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.