How to Post an Ad on Craigslist (2024)


By: Francisco Guzman

Craigslist is like the Mom and Pop shop of the internet. It may not look like much, but you'll be amazed at the things you can find. Craigslist is an internationally popular website used for posting jobs, items for sale, real estate, services and personal ads. Take advantage of this free service by creating your own advertisem*nt. Read the steps listed below and learn how to post an ad on Craigslist.

  1. Type the URL into your browser.
  2. Click on the link, "create a posting," that is located on the upper left hand side of the screen.
  3. Choose the location that best fits your posting.
  4. Click on the type of post you want to place. Choices include jobs, housing, items for sale, services and personals. Depending on what you choose, you will either be taken to a list of options that apply to your post or a list of specified categories.
  5. Click the option that best applies to your post or the category that best describes your post.
  6. Fill in the applicable fields when you arrive at the window to describe your post. Keep your posting title concise and clear. Ensure that all the fields are fully filled in.
  7. Click the "continue" button.
  8. Click on the map to pinpoint your location or type in your exact location – street, cross street, city and postal code – and click the "find" button.
  9. Upload any images that pertain to your ad.
  10. Review the mock ad for incorrect or confusing information and spelling mistakes. If you want to edit the ad, click on the "edit post" button. It will take you back to the previous screen. You can also edit the location and images. If you're pleased, click the "publish" button.
  11. Check your email. Craigslist will send you an email that will enable you to publish, edit or delete your posting. The link expires in 30 minutes.
  12. Once you've clicked the link, it's time to set up your account. You can either type in a password or go without a password.
  13. Read the terms of use. If you consent to all the terms, click on the "accept" button. If you don't consent, click on the "decline" button.
  14. You have now posted your ad on Craigslist.

Note: You can post an ad on Craigslist without setting up an account, but setting up one will allow you to be able to edit, delete or post more easily. Without that step, if you do need to make changes, you'll need to use the link that was originally sent to your email.


How to Post Using the Craigslist App

  1. Download the Craigslist mobile app from the Apple Store or Google Play.
  2. Once you install and open the app, tap the "get started" button.
  3. You can either share your location or tap "not now." You can type in a ZIP/postal code that best fits your posting if you decide not to share your current location. Tap the "choose this location" button if the area on the map matches your current location.
  4. Tap the "post" button (plus sign) on the bottom center of the screen to get started on your ad.
  5. Similar to the steps above, you can choose an image, fill in the applicable fields that describe your ad and confirm your location.
  6. If you're pleased, click the "publish" button. Your ad on Craigslist will be live.


Craigslist FAQ

How do I post something on Craigslist for free?

1. Visit 2. Click on the "create a posting" link in the top-left corner. 3. Choose a post category.4. Enter the details for your post. 5. A link will be sent to your email confirming the post. Once you click on that accepting it, your ad will be live.

What is Craigslist USA?

Craigslist was created in 1996 by Craig Newmark, a San Francisco-based computer programmer. He started a free website where people could exchange information, a new concept at the time. Today, it contains sections dedicated to services, items wanted, items for sale, housing jobs, gigs, community service and discussion forums. Craigslist has several versions for other countries as well.

How do I search all of U.S. Craigslist?

Craiglist is divided by cities. It doesn’t have a lot of options for searching the entire website at one time. You can do it using Google, entering "" and the name of the item you're looking for in the search bar. You can also try searching with a third-party tool like or

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How to Post an Ad on Craigslist (2024)


How to advertise on Craigslist effectively? ›

Keep It Simple but include Lots of Pictures: Craigslist sees heavy HTML code as a sign of spam or fraudulent post. Keep your ad mostly text based, with simple code only and working in creative bolding. While Craigslist users prefer text ads, they also love pictures.

How to make your Craigslist ad stand out? ›

In this article, we'll give you ten tips to make your ad stand out from the rest.
  1. Know Your Target Audience. ...
  2. Use an Eye-Catching Headline. ...
  3. Include Key Information in the Body of Your Ad. ...
  4. Use Attractive Visuals. ...
  5. Use a Call to Action. ...
  6. Create Many Unique Ads. ...
  7. Be Realistic About Prices. ...
  8. Use Keyword-Rich Titles and Descriptions.
Aug 26, 2022

How do I post an ad on Craigslist for beginners? ›

Creating a craigslist posting
  1. Visit our list of available sites. ...
  2. Click on "create a posting"
  3. You may need to confirm the geographic location for your posting.
  4. Select a type for your posting.
  5. Select a category for your posting.
  6. Enter the text of your posting.

How do I bump my Craigslist ad to the top? ›

Make a new ad and repost the information from the old ad. Craigslist doesn't offer an option for you to repost the original listing automatically, hence the need for you to manually redo the ad. Once you have submitted the new ad it will appear at the top of the listings again.

How do I get more hits on Craigslist? ›

Include at least one image to attract more viewers. Customers typically like to see the conditions or status of your offering, because this eliminates the need to contact you requesting further details. Additionally, many users prefer to search only for ads that contain images.

What sells the fastest on Craigslist? ›

12 Items That Currently Sell the Most Money On Craigslist
  • Home Appliances. Gently used or well-maintained appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, and dryers are always in demand. ...
  • Furniture. ...
  • Electronics. ...
  • Cars and Motorcycles. ...
  • Power Tools. ...
  • Sporting Goods. ...
  • Garden Equipment. ...
  • Tech Accessories.
Jan 24, 2024

How do I make my Craigslist post more visible? ›

Optimize Your Posting : Keep your posts clear, concise, and easy to read. Include important details such as price, location, condition (if selling items), and contact information. Use proper formatting and avoid excessive use of all caps or special characters.

What should I not do when selling on Craigslist? ›

Avoid adding any personal information in the posting, including your name, real phone number or real email address. Always use the generated email address on your Craigslist posts.

How do I sell better on Craigslist? ›

6 Pro Tips for Selling Items on Craigslist
  1. Create a new email address specifically for selling on Craigslist. ...
  2. Group items with a unique “keyword.” ...
  3. Keep buyer inquiry emails organized. ...
  4. Save your backup buyers' email addresses. ...
  5. Check out potential buyers before agreeing to meet. ...
  6. Delete and repost items after 48 hours.
Feb 19, 2024

How long does a $5 Craigslist ad last? ›

Although there are specific guidelines for how long an ad stays on Craigslist based on the type of ad and posting locale, the service has a list of master guidelines that supersede the others. Under these guidelines, all job postings expire after 30 days for paid ads and 45 days for free ads.

How do I write a Craigslist post? ›

  1. Click the “post to classifieds” link in the top left corner. Select a category for the post: Click “Continue”
  2. Select the appropriate sub-category. Click “Continue” Type the posting title, city/neighborhood, postal code, description, and contact.
  3. Click “Done with Images” Review post information.

What is the best day to post on Craigslist? ›

Day of the Week

Monday is the best of the remaining days of the week, with views dropping until Friday, which is lowest. prefers Friday and Saturday because they've learned that buyers check what's new on those days.

How do I make my Craigslist post stand out? ›

To attract people who are looking for a specific thing on Craigslist, use keywords in your titles. Instead of a generic description, choose keywords that will describe exactly what you are offering. If you are selling a stereo, for example, don't refer only to the brand name; include the word "stereo" in the title.

What is a ghosted ad on Craigslist? ›

“Ghosted” listings are listings that appear to have been successfully posted to Craigslist without errors, and can even be found under your account page and accessed directly by its posting ID, but cannot be found by browsing the site or searching for them.

How effective is advertising on Craigslist? ›

Because there's such a significant degree of spam on Craigslist, you may occasionally have to post your listing numerous times so that people notice it. One listing isn't likely to get noticed as often as you might like, as it can easily fall through the cracks with all the spam and other content on the site.

How to successfully sell on Craigslist? ›

6 Pro Tips for Selling Items on Craigslist
  1. Create a new email address specifically for selling on Craigslist. ...
  2. Group items with a unique “keyword.” ...
  3. Keep buyer inquiry emails organized. ...
  4. Save your backup buyers' email addresses. ...
  5. Check out potential buyers before agreeing to meet. ...
  6. Delete and repost items after 48 hours.
Feb 19, 2024

What is the safest way to post on Craigslist? ›

Avoid adding any personal information in the posting, including your name, real phone number or real email address. Always use the generated email address on your Craigslist posts. This creates a random email address, so the poster doesn't have your real email on file.

What is the best way to receive money from Craigslist? ›

Craiglist Safety Tips for Sellers

Request cash payment when exchanging in person. If you're shipping your item, use a service such as PayPal for more security. Never accept a money order; this is usually a scam. Cashier's checks can be forged, so exercise caution when accepting these.


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Views: 6068

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.