Astrology 101: How to Read a Natal Chart (A Beginner's Guide) (2024)

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Astrology has been around for thousands of years and has remained popular to this day. A birth chart, also known as a natal chart, is a map of the sky at the exact moment of birth. It provides a detailed analysis of an individual’s personality, strengths, and challenges, as well as their life purpose and potential.

In this blog post, we will explore the various components of a birth chart and what they represent. We’ll cover the importance of the ingredients that make up a natal chart, as well as how to interpret them and how you can actively apply the wisdom of your birth chart in your life.

Whether you’re new to astrology or a seasoned pro, understanding how to read a birth chart can offer profound insights into your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and potential path in life. So, let’s dive in and unlock the mysteries of your cosmic blueprint!

Astrology 101: How to Read a Natal Chart (A Beginner's Guide) (1)

Understanding the Birth Chart

The natal chart is a deeply complex system made up of four main components: planets, signs, houses, and aspects. Each of these components provides valuable information about an individual’s personality, life experiences, and potential.

There are several ways to obtain a natal chart. One way is to consult with an astrologer, who can create a chart based on your birth date, time, and location. Another way is to use an online calculator, which can provide you with a basic natal chart for free.

Thankfully, there are numerous online resources available for generating your birth chart. Aside from our own astrological birth chart calculator, we love Astro Seek due to its user-friendly layout and helpful breakdowns (though any reliable website will do as long as you provide accurate birth data!).

Astrology 101: How to Read a Natal Chart (A Beginner's Guide) (2)


The planets in the natal chart show various aspects of an individual’s personality and life experiences.

In astrology, there are 10 total planets. The Sun and Moon are technically luminaries, but for convenience, they are usually grouped in with the planets. Each planet and celestial body has unique properties and elements that it governs or influences. For example, the Sun symbolizes one’s core self and sense of identity, the Moon reveals one’s emotional nature and inner world, and Mercury is one’s communication style and intellect.

Each planet has a specific role and meaning, and their placement in the natal chart reveals how they will manifest and interact with one another.

Here’s a brief summary of the meanings of each planet in an astrological natal chart:

  1. SUN ☉ / ego, the self, the conscious mind, vitality, creativity, self-expression, leadership
  2. MOON ☾ / emotions, instincts, habits, nurturing, mothering, family, home, security
  3. MERCURY ☿ / communication, thinking, reasoning, mental processing, learning, writing, speaking, short trips
  4. VENUS ♀ / love, relationships, beauty, art, harmony, pleasure, finances, values, socializing
  5. MARS ♂️ / action, energy, drive, ambition, passion, assertiveness, competition, sex, aggression
  6. JUPITER ♃ / expansion, growth, optimism, wisdom, abundance, luck, higher education, travel
  7. SATURN ♄ / limitations, boundaries, discipline, responsibility, structure, maturity, authority, career, achievement
  8. URANUS ♅ / change, innovation, freedom, independence, revoluton, technology, eccentricity
  9. NEPTUNE ♆ / imagination, spirituality, mysticism, intuition, dreams, compassion, illusion, confusion
  10. PLUTO ♇ / transformation, power, intensity, death and rebirth, regeneration, control, obsession, secrets

Remember, the above meanings are just brief summaries and there is much more depth and nuance to each planet’s meaning in astrology. Additionally, the position, aspect, and house placement of each planet in a person’s natal chart can greatly influence its interpretation.

Astrology 101: How to Read a Natal Chart (A Beginner's Guide) (3)


Marked by twelve constellations in the sky, the zodiac signs in the natal chart provide context for how the planets express themselves. Each sign represents a unique energy and archetype (for instance, Aries is known for its leadership qualities and assertiveness, while Cancer is known for its emotional depth and nurturing nature).

ARIES (March 21 – April 19) / Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and is symbolized by the Ram. It is a Fire sign, which represents energy, passion, and action. Aries is known for its enthusiastic and adventurous nature, and individuals born under this sign tend to be dynamic, ambitious, and confident. They are natural leaders who thrive on challenges and are always seeking new opportunities to expand their horizons.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20) / Taurus is an Earth sign and is symbolized by the Bull. This sign is associated with stability, practicality, and materialism. Individuals born under Taurus are known for their down-to-earth nature, reliability, and determination. They are often drawn to the finer things in life and have a strong appreciation for beauty, art, and nature.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20) / Gemini is an Air sign and is symbolized by the Twins. This sign is associated with communication, adaptability, and versatility. Geminis are known for their intelligence, wit, and charm, and they possess a natural curiosity about the world around them. They are great conversationalists and have a talent for connecting with others.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22) / Cancer is a Water sign and is symbolized by the Crab. This sign is associated with emotions, nurturing, and sensitivity. Individuals born under Cancer tend to be highly intuitive and empathetic, and they have a strong attachment to home and family. They are also known for their creativity and imagination.

LEO (July 23 – August 22) / Leo is a Fire sign and is symbolized by the Lion. This sign is associated with confidence, creativity, and leadership. Individuals born under Leo tend to be charismatic, dramatic, and passionate. They are natural performers who love to be in the spotlight and have a great sense of style and aesthetics.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22) / Virgo is an Earth sign and is symbolized by the Virgin. This sign is associated with practicality, precision, and analysis. Individuals born under Virgo tend to be detail-oriented, analytical, and hardworking. They have a great eye for detail and are often drawn to careers in science, research, and analysis.

Astrology 101: How to Read a Natal Chart (A Beginner's Guide) (4)

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22) / Libra is an Air sign and is symbolized by the Scales. This sign is associated with balance, harmony, and relationships. Individuals born under Libra tend to be charming, diplomatic, and sociable. They have a natural talent for finding common ground and building relationships, and they value fairness and justice.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21) / Scorpio is a Water sign and is symbolized by the Scorpion. This sign is associated with transformation, intensity, and mystery. Individuals born under Scorpio tend to be deep, intuitive, and passionate. They have a natural talent for uncovering secrets and are often drawn to careers in psychology, counseling, and investigation.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21) / Sagittarius is a Fire sign and is symbolized by the Archer. This sign is associated with adventure, exploration, and freedom. Individuals born under Sagittarius tend to be optimistic, curious, and independent. They have a great love for travel and learning and are often drawn to careers in education, journalism, and exploration.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19) / Capricorn is an Earth sign and is symbolized by the Goat. This sign is associated with responsibility, discipline, and ambition. Individuals born under Capricorn tend to be hardworking, practical, and determined. They have a strong sense of duty and responsibility and are often drawn to careers in business, finance, and politics.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18) / Aquarius is an Air sign and is symbolized by the Water Bearer. This sign is associated with innovation, individuality, and social consciousness. Individuals born under Aquarius tend to be creative, progressive, and independent. They have a great love for humanity and are often drawn to careers in science, technology, and social activism.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20) / Pisces is a Water sign and is symbolized by the Fish. This sign is associated with intuition, compassion, and spirituality. Individuals born under Pisces tend to be sensitive, creative, and spiritual. They have a deep connection to the universe and are often drawn to careers in the arts, healing, and spirituality.

The Zodiac signs can be classified in two primary ways: elements and modalities. Below, we’ll break down each.


The elements are Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Each element represents a particular kind of energy that influences the characteristics and personality traits associated with the signs.

FIRE SIGNS / Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Fire signs are dynamic and passionate individuals, driven by their creativity and enthusiasm. They possess a fiery, confident nature, and are known for their bold and action-oriented approach to life.

EARTH SIGNS / Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Earth signs are practical and grounded, known for their methodical and analytical approach to problem-solving. They have a strong connection to the physical world and value stability, security, and material possessions.

AIR SIGNS / Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. Air signs are quick-witted and communicative, known for their intellectual curiosity and social ease. They possess a light-hearted personality and value fairness, diplomacy, and harmonious relationships.

WATER SIGNS / Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Water signs are deeply emotional and spiritually connected individuals. They are sensitive and intuitive, and possess a strong connection to their inner world and subconscious mind. They value intimacy, compassion, and empathy in their relationships.


Zodiac signs can also be classified according to their mode or modality, which refers to the sign’s position within a particular season.

The three modes are Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable, and each one represents a distinct quality that influences the traits and characteristics associated with the signs. Here is a brief overview of each modality:

CARDINAL SIGNS / Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. Cardinal signs are the initiators of change, symbolizing the beginning of a new season. These signs are known for their ambitious and enterprising nature, and they possess a strong desire to create and innovate. They are natural leaders who enjoy taking the initiative and inspiring others to follow their lead.

FIXED SIGNS / Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. Fixed signs come in the middle of a season, signifying stability and endurance. These signs are known for their persistence and determination, and they possess a strong sense of loyalty and commitment. They are also highly focused and resolute, and once they set their sights on a goal, they will stop at nothing to achieve it.

MUTABLE SIGNS / Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces. Mutable signs occur at the end of a season, symbolizing adaptability and flexibility. Known for their versatility and resourcefulness, they possess a keen ability to adjust to changing circ*mstances. They are also highly intuitive and introspective, and they value closure and completion.

Astrology 101: How to Read a Natal Chart (A Beginner's Guide) (6)


The houses in the natal chart stand in for various aspects of life, including work, relationships, and family. There are a total of twelve houses, and each one offers information about how a person will approach certain facets of life. If a person has a lot of planets in their tenth house, for instance, they may be very focused on their work.

THE FIRST HOUSE / The House of Self and Identity. This house represents the self, personality, appearance, and overall individuality. It’s the house of self-awareness, and it shows how one perceives and projects themselves in the world.

THE SECOND HOUSE / The House of Money and Possessions. This house is associated with material possessions, personal finances, and self-worth. It’s the house of resources, values, and one’s ability to attract wealth.

THE THIRD HOUSE / The House of Communication and Learning. The 3rd house is associated with communication, learning, and the exchange of ideas. It represents language, writing, education, and community connections.

THE FOURTH HOUSE / The House of Home and Family. Representing one’s family and home environment, the 4th house is the house of nurturing, comfort, and emotional security.

THE FIFTH HOUSE / The House of Creativity and Self-Expression. The 5th house is linked to romance, fun, and creative expression. It stands for hobbies, children, artistic talents, and the fame that came result from these things (celebrities often have prominent 5th-house influences).

THE SIXTH HOUSE / The House of Health and Service. The 6th house represents daily work, service, and health, and as such, it is known as the house of routines, habits, and self-care.

THE SEVENTH HOUSE / The House of Partnership and Marriage. Covering intimate relationships, partnerships, and marriage, the 7th house in the birth chart deals with cooperation, balance, and negotiation.

THE EIGHTH HOUSE / The House of Death and Regeneration. In astrology, the 8th house is known for transformations, deep psychological issues, and shared resources. It’s the house of rebirth, healing, and letting go.

THE NINTH HOUSE / The House of Philosophy and Higher Learning. This house represents higher learning, philosophy, travel, and spirituality. It also shows one’s expansion, wisdom, and personal growth.

THE TENTH HOUSE / The House of Career and Reputation. The 10th house is all about career, public image, and social status. It’s known as the house of ambition, success, and recognition.

THE ELEVENTH HOUSE / The House of Friends and Community. Representing social groups, friends, and community involvement, the 11th house relates to one’s networking, social causes, and group projects.

THE TWELFTH HOUSE / The House of Spirituality and Inner Growth. The last house of the birth chart, the 12th house is the unconscious mind, spirituality, and inner transformation. It is also associated with one’s karma, self-sacrifice, and personal transcendence.

Astrology 101: How to Read a Natal Chart (A Beginner's Guide) (7)


Aspects in the natal chart refer to the relationship between the planets.

Aspects can be harmonious, such as a trine or sextile, or challenging, such as a square or opposition. The aspects reveal how the planets interact with one another, and they provide valuable insight into an individual’s strengths and challenges.

There are 5 major aspects and 4 (main) minor aspects:


  1. CONJUNCTION / Occurs when two or more planets are within a few degrees of each other; this aspect brings the energy of the planets together, often intensifying their effects.
  2. OPPOSITION / Occurs when two planets are 180 degrees apart. Opposition aspects create tension and conflict, highlighting opposing forces in a person’s life.
  3. SQUARE / Occurs when two planets are 90 degrees apart. Squares show inner tension and challenges that require action and change.
  4. TRINE / Occurs when two planets are 120 degrees apart. Trines represent harmony, creativity, and ease of expression between planetary energies.
  5. SEXTILE / Occurs when two planets are 60 degrees apart. Sextile aspects represent opportunities, growth, and positive connections.


  1. QUINCUNX / Occurs when two planets are 150 degrees apart. This minor aspect represents the need for adjustment, requiring a change in perspective or behavior.
  2. SEMI-SEXTILE / Occurs when two planets are 30 degrees apart. Semi-sextile aspects point to minor opportunities and connections, often leading to gradual growth.
  3. SEMI-SQUARE / Occurs when two planets are 45 degrees apart. Semi-squares denote minor challenges and obstacles that require small adjustments.
  4. SESQUIQUADRATE / Occurs when two planets are 135 degrees apart. While still a minor aspect, the sesquiquadrate is considered to be a challenging aspect that requires intentional action and adjustment to overcome.
Astrology 101: How to Read a Natal Chart (A Beginner's Guide) (8)

Other Astrological Ingredidents to Consider

Aside from the planets, signs, houses, and aspects, there are other important astrological ingredients that can appear in a natal chart. While there are many more than what we will list here, the following are among the most commonly used and influential:

ASCENDANT OR RISING SIGN / Your Ascendant sign is your public face, the image you present to the world. It is just as important as your sun and moon signs in defining who you are, as it governs how others perceive you. When interpreting your natal chart, you should always start with your Ascendant sign, as it will determine the zodiacal arrangement of your Houses. The ruling planet of your Ascendant sign is also known as your “chart ruler.”

DESCENDANT / The Descendant is the opposite point of the Ascendant and relates to the traits and qualities we look for in a partner or other people. It shows how we interact with others, what we desire in a relationship, and what we seek in others that we feel we may lack.

IMUM COELI (IC) / The Imum Coeli is the lowest point in the natal chart and represents our roots, family, and sense of stability. It relates to our private life and personal identity, and can indicate our relationship with our parents and early childhood experiences.

MEDIUM COELI (MC) / The Medium Coeli is the highest point in the natal chart and represents our public image, career, and aspirations. It relates to how we are viewed by society and our professional achievements, and can indicate our calling or life’s purpose.

RETROGRADES ℞ – Retrograde planets in a natal chart suggest a need for introspection and caution when dealing with the affairs governed by the retrograding planet. Retrogrades occur when a planet appears to be moving backward through the zodiac from our vantage point on Earth. They can be challenging periods, but they also offer an opportunity for self-discovery and growth. The effects of a retrograde planet are typically felt most acutely in the weeks leading up to and following its station direct or retrograde.

CHIRON – Chiron is an asteroid known as the wounded healer of astrology, representing the place where we carry our deepest emotional scars. Its placement in a natal chart indicates what we need to heal within ourselves, and it can reveal the source of our greatest pain as well as our greatest strength. Chiron’s influence is subtle but profound, and understanding its placement is an important step in the journey of self-discovery. You can learn more about Chiron and other asteroids in the natal chart here.

NORTH NODE ☊ – The North Node represents our soul’s purpose and our highest potential. Its placement in a natal chart suggests the area of life in which we are meant to grow and evolve, and it can offer insights into our career, relationships, and spiritual path. The North Node is sometimes called True North because it points us toward our ultimate destiny.

SOUTH NODE ☋ – The South Node represents our past lives and the lessons we have already learned. Its placement in a natal chart suggests the areas of life in which we may be tempted to fall back into old patterns and behaviors. In Vedic astrology, the South Node is known as the Karmic past, and it indicates the karmic debts we must pay in this lifetime. Understanding the South Node can help us avoid repeating past mistakes and make progress toward our higher purpose.

Astrology 101: How to Read a Natal Chart (A Beginner's Guide) (9)

How to Read a Natal Chart

Let’s dive into the exciting part! Once you have your personal birth chart, it’s time to analyze each house and take note of the planets and zodiac signs present in each one. Intuition can also play a significant role here.

In astrology, the planet represents “what,” the sign represents “how,” and the house represents “where.”

For example, if Venus is in Libra in your third house, it may indicate that you have a natural talent for communication or creative abilities requiring the use of your hands, such as painting or playing the piano. On the other hand, if Mars is in Scorpio in your seventh house, it could mean that you have a tendency to be posessive and controlling in your relationships (or that your partners tend to follow this pattern).

Also, don’t forget to pay attention to any significant aspects in your chart! For instance, if your Moon is in Virgo in the 11th house and in opposition to Saturn in Pisces in the 5th house, this may suggest a conflict between your desire for community and expression and your drive for privacy and solitude. Alternatively, you may struggle to express your emotions and desires confidently infront of crowds or groups of people.

By carefully analyzing these placements, you can begin to piece together a clearer picture of yourself and your potential path in life. Reading a natal chart can be overwhelming, however, with a little practice and guidance, it is possible to gain a deeper understanding of your chart.

Steps to Interpret Your Natal Chart

STEP ONE: Identify your dominant planets.

Start by identifying the dominant planets in your natal chart. These are the planets that have the most influence over your personality and life experiences. Look for planets that are in their own sign or house, or that form strong aspects with other planets.

STEP TWO: Analyze the signs and houses.

Next, analyze the zodiac signs and houses in your natal chart. Go through each house one by one and see what sign occupies it, and if there are any planets there. Also, look for any patterns or clusters of planets in certain signs or houses – this can reveal areas of life that are particularly important to you, as well as personality traits that are more dominant.

STEP THREE: Interpret the Aspects.

After analyzing the planets, signs, and houses, it’s time to interpret the aspects in your natal chart. Look for any harmonious or challenging aspects between the planets. Harmonious aspects, such as trines and sextiles, indicate areas of ease and flow in your life. Challenging aspects, such as squares and oppositions, indicate areas of tension and conflict that you may need to work on.

STEP FOUR: Integrate the Information.

Once you have analyzed each component of your natal chart, it’s time to integrate the information to create a cohesive interpretation. Look for themes or patterns that emerge from the analysis. For example, if you have many planets in your 10th house and strong aspects with your Sun and Moon, this may indicate a strong focus on your career and public image.

Astrology 101: How to Read a Natal Chart (A Beginner's Guide) (10)

Practical Applications of the Natal Chart

Now that you understand how to read your natal chart, you may be wondering how to apply this knowledge in your life. Here are a few practical applications of the natal chart:

SELF-DISCOVERY: Your natal chart can provide valuable insight into your personality, strengths, and challenges. Use this information to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your life purpose.

RELATIONSHIP ANALYSIS: Your natal chart can also provide insight into your compatibility with others. Compare your chart with the charts of friends, family members, or romantic partners to gain a deeper understanding of your relationship dynamics.

CAREER GUIDANCE: Your natal chart can reveal your natural talents and skills, as well as areas of life that are particularly important to you. Use this information to guide your career choices and find work that aligns with your strengths and passions.

In addition to these practical applications, you can also use your natal chart in conjunction with other astrological techniques, such as transits and progressions. Transits refer to the current positions of the planets in the sky and how they interact with your natal chart. Progressions refer to the movement of the planets in your natal chart over time, revealing how you may evolve and grow throughout your life.

Astrology 101: How to Read a Natal Chart (A Beginner's Guide) (11)

Key Takeaway

Reading an astrological natal chart can be a fascinating and rewarding experience. By understanding the different components of the chart and how they relate to one another, you can gain priceless insight into your personality, life path, strengths, and challenges.

Whether you use your natal chart for self-discovery, relationship analysis, or career guidance, the knowledge you gain from studying it can help you live a more fulfilling and authentic life. So, grab your emphemeris or astrological calculator, and start exploring the secrets of your natal chart today!

To learn more, check out our Beginners Guide to Astrology or our astro-library of cosmic forecasts, natal interpretations, and more!


Sage & Moon is a participant in affiliate programs, including the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. We may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you if you choose to purchase through these links. Any product we choose is based on personal recommendations that we love and trust you will too. By using these links you are directly supporting us to keep writing + creating. Thank you!

Astrology 101: How to Read a Natal Chart (A Beginner's Guide) (2024)


How do I start reading the natal chart? ›

Start with your sun, your moon, and your rising sign

Once you've created your astrology chart then you'll want to start reading it. And the best place to start is by identifying where your sun, your moon, and your rising sign are placed on the chart!

How to understand birth chart astrology? ›

What are the sections of a birth chart?
  1. First House: Self, identity, physical appearance.
  2. Second House: Material possessions, money, values.
  3. Third House: Peers, communication, siblings.
  4. Fourth House: Home, family, origins.
  5. Fifth House: Creativity, romance, children.
  6. Sixth House: Health, wellness, routines.
Jul 15, 2024

How to read natal chart house? ›

From the first house, you'll want to follow your chart counterclockwise to note your second, third, fourth house, and so on. As you move through the houses, you'll notice that each is ruled by one of the 12 zodiac signs.

How do you study a natal chart? ›

Date, Time, and Place of Birth: First things first, we need to know when and where you were born. The positions of planets at that exact time help create a personalized birth chart. 2. Sun Sign and Rising Sign: Your Sun sign shows your core personality, and the rising sign (ascendant) tells us how others might see you.

What does a natal chart reading tell you? ›

An analysis of this chart, also called a natal chart, can provide deep insight into your personality, motivations, and desires. Let's take a look at how the art of astrology and the craft of reading birth charts formed, and how you can apply it to your life.

Where do I start to understand astrology? ›

The Best Astrology Books to Start Reading
  • The Just Girl Project Book of Astrology. ...
  • The Secret Language of Birthdays. ...
  • Astrology for the Soul. ...
  • The Power of Birthdays, Stars & Numbers. ...
  • The Spirit Almanac. ...
  • The Power Wish. ...
  • Numbers and You: A Numerology Guide for Everyday Living. ...
  • The Crystal Bible.

Can I teach myself astrology? ›

Learn the Basics of Astrology for Beginners

Learn about your sign, your element, and your ruling planets. is a good beginner's website for this. Once you understand your astrological sign, try learning those of your family and friends. When you feel comfortable, you can explain their sign to them.

What is the basic natal chart? ›

A birth chart will show the snapshot of where each planet is in the sky, but then within this snapshot, the sky will be divided up into 12 equal slices for the 12 zodiac signs, so every planet will fall within a certain zodiac sign.

What is the most important chart in astrology? ›

Navamsa Kundali is the divisional Kundali, known as the D9 chart by Vedic astrologers. Navamsa means division. Generally, it is not so easy to understand Kundali because all the things are written in it. The most important thing in all of them is our destiny, so Navamsa Kundali has been made.

How accurate are astrology birth charts? ›

In general, astrology is considered to be a pseudoscience by the scientific community. There is little statistical evidence that shows causation between horoscopes and the consequences in a person's life or those that may occur throughout the world.

How to understand a numerology chart? ›

Reading a numerology chart involves analyzing key components like Life Path Number, Expression Number, and Soul Urge Number. Each number carries specific meanings, reflecting aspects of personality, life purpose, and desires. Interpret the numbers in relation to one another to gain a comprehensive understanding.

How do you know which house is strong in birth chart? ›

The most active and potent houses in the birth chart are the 1st, 10th, 7th, 4th, 11th and 5th houses (in that order). Out of these, the angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th) in particular tend to be the most active. Planets in these houses show up loudly and will definitely make a lasting impact.

How do you read your first house in astrology? ›

The First House begins with the best-known of these angles—the ascendant, which falls on the left side of your natal chart, at the 9 o'clock position. Your ascendant or rising sign rules and characterizes your First House of Self.

Which direction do you read a birth chart? ›

The astrology chart is divided into 12 inner sections, in somewhat triangular shapes. Count the houses counter-clockwise, the ascendant marking the first house. The opposite point from the ascendant is the descendant. The descendant is thought to affect your relationships with others.

How do I figure out my birth chart? ›

All you need to know is the date, exact time, and place of birth. Won points to websites such as that can give you your chart for free when you put in all that info. You can also download apps such as Co-star, Reha, or Sanctuary that will not only give you your birth chart but also explain each component.

Does 10 minutes make a difference in a birth chart? ›

Generally, 5 - 10 minutes will not make much difference to a Birth Chart. The greatest effect, if any, will be on House positions because the 24 hour rotation of the Earth means that there is a new sign on the Ascendant every 2 hours.

How do you read a natal chart degree? ›

Look at the 12 zodiac signs encircling the outside of your chart. A circle is 360 degrees, and each zodiac sign takes up 30 degrees (one 12th of the circle). Each sign begins at 0 degrees and grows to 29 degrees going counterclockwise. Every time you hit 30, a new sign begins.


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